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The French National Research Agency (ANR)

The ANR is the funding agency for project-based research in France. It is a public body under the authority of the French Ministry for Research. Its mission is to fund and promote pure and applied research, technical innovation and technology transfer, as well as partnerships between research teams in public and private sectors, on national, European and international levels.

The ANR is also the main operator of Investments for the Future programmes (PIA 1, 2, 3) in the field of higher education and research. The ANR has ISO 9001 certification for all its project selection processes.

The HAL-ANR portal

The HAL-ANR portal brings together and promotes all the scientific publications arising from projects funded by the ANR. The creation of this portal represents a new step in the implementation of the “open access to publications” section of the ANR's open science policy.

ANR Open Science policy

The ANR Open Science policy, introduced since 2013, fully aligns with the National Open Science Plans which second version was launched by the Minister of Higher Education and Research, Frédérique Vidal, in July 2021. The policy has three mains objectives:

  • Open access to scientific publications 
  • Contribute to the opening, sharing and reuse of research data
  • Promoting a collaborative approach of open science

Open access to scientific publications

The ANR is committed to full and immediate open access to scientific publications. As such, the grantees of projects funded by the ANR from 2022 commit to :

1. Make available in immediate open access all scientific publications resulting from ANR projects in open access under the Creative Commons License (CC-BY) or quivalent via one of the following routes :

-Publication in natively open access journal

-Publication in a subscription journal that is part of a transformative agreement or in a transformative journal

-Publication in a subscription journal using the Right Retention Strategy (RRS) in accordance with the procedures indicated in the grant agreement. 

2. Submitting, at the time of publication at the latest, the full text of the scientific publications (version Author Accepted Manuscript or Version of Record) in the national open archive HAL and mention the ANR research project reference (e.g. ANR-22-CE64-00014) as well as a persistent identifier (A DOI for instance).

3. Furthemore, the ANR recommends its grantees to make available in open access their peer-reviewed books and book chapters resulting from their grants under a Creative Commons or equivalent (CCBY is recommended). The ANR encourages the project coordinator to deposit the full text of the chapter or book in the national open archive HAL (version Author Accepteed Manuscript or Version of Record) and mention the ANR research project reference (ANR-22-CE64-0001) as well as a persistent identifier (A DOI for instance). 

5. The ANR recommends the deposit of preprints in open archive or platforms.

4. Finally, in accordance with the second national plan for open science, the ANR recommends its grantees to make available their software developed during the research project under an open license and encourages the storage of their sources codes in Software Heritage with the description in HAL with the indication of the reference (decision code) of the ANR funding.

For more information about the ANR open science policy


The ANR open science monitor

Last ten submissions

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Full text documents

133 500

Open Access

76 %


Submissions over twelve months

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